
Our news page shares updates and selected projects from Multiplicity and the MFA in Creative Nonfiction Writing at Bay Path University.

Bay Path University launches literary magazine Multiplicity

(Article by Cori Urban from Republican Newspapers, Springfield, MA)

Life in the Time of Pandemic

By Emily Gedney, Janet Gerry, Lee-Ann Liles, Niki Patino, Jasmin Rivas,
Erin Sadler, and Astrid Villagran Alvarez

This mosaic essay was collaboratively written by students in the Bay Path University MFA class Creative Nonfiction Writing II: The Art of the Essay with writer and faculty member Sophfronia Scott in March 2020. It was edited by Sandra Chmiel and Leanna James Blackwell, director of the MFA program.

  • Watch a video of the students reading the essay: