Table of Contents
Issue 4: Spring/Summer 2022
The Excavation
Mary Jumbelic unearths a terrible truth.
The Part That’s True
Colin Kirkland discovers a YouTube video that spurs him to seek enlightenment.
Viva La Diva
Jill Lipton suits up for the job of making new friends–for her mother.
Spelling Bee
Sharon Mast invents a new way to break a winning streak.
I Am/You Are
Nadine Nakagawa connects place and person, protection and trauma.
Run Tip Run
Lou Storey makes a late-life discovery about the dog he adored as a child.
Banana Leaves
Sudha Balagopal celebrates an Indian feast day with a new—and also, old—way of eating.
Plain, not Frosted
Ed Davis emerges from a labyrinth of worry with a new truth about his mother.
Play the Changes
Margaret Farrar meets a music teacher who will change her forever.
Prison Wedding
Tori Hemingson relives one the strangest days of her family’s life.
26 Shards of Loss
Ann Klotz traces the cracks that make us whole.
Something You Need to Hear
Sally Simon marches off to a war of words with an unexpected foe.
Exile: Three Poems
Sandra Salinas Newton explores family geography, personal origins, and the startling beauty of winter days and nights.
Living with the Elephant
Cynthia Bernard braves the changeable weather of the aging body and the soul within.
Self-Portrait at 23
Cameron Chiovitti searches for identity, truth and meaning—in the stars, and in their scars.
The Forever Hours: Three Poems
Suellen Wedmore plunges into the sensory landscapes that sustain a life over time.
the verbs of our afflictions: two poems
María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado struggles to hear and hold the sounds of her mother tongue.
Searching for an Opening: Three Poems
V. Bray travels beyond the limits of fantasy into a complex and fluctuating reality.
Sewed Into Each Stitch
Alice Teeple
Time: A Trio
Lindsey Morrison Grant
Cover photo: “Moon Cycles” by Sanni Sahil