Quick Work: Out of Control No. 2

Here, in 100 words or fewer, writers make quick work of compelling true stories, in the lead up to Multiplicity’s 2024 Spring/Summer issue, OUT OF CONTROL.

Another Night Life
by William Grussenmeyer
“Work all night?” I asked into the phone.
“Until six am,” Amos said.”
“At that sewage facility?”
“Yep. Still here. Gotta keep the homeless out.”
“Out of a sewage place?”
“They steal anything they can. Or sleep inside.
There’s an encampment right outside.” He paused for a few seconds. “I gotta watch out for the serial killer too.”
“Did you say serial killer?”
“Some guy going around killing homeless people.
They know who he is. Can’t find him. Cause he’s homeless, too.”
“I haven’t seen anything on the news?” I asked.
“News don’t care,” Amos said.
Photo by Tommy van Kessel on Unsplash

Divorce by Ketchup
by Robyn Weaver
I blame Heinz.
They had to go and change the labels on their ketchup bottles, and if they had never done that, Daniel would have never come up with the idea that I was trying to poison him, or that Heinz was somehow in on it. I would have never said how crazy that sounded, and he would have never thrown his dinner plate against the wall, leaving that permanent gash that bled red for days until I had the heart to wipe it clean.
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
About the Writers
William Grussenmeyer and Robyn Weaver, Bay Path MFA candidates, wrote these pieces in the Multiplicity Studio class during the 2024 spring semester.
The Quick Work series is curated by Kate Whouley and Heidi Fettig Parton.