By María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado

living on marble street in the ’70s
in a home with no books in spanish or english, papi’s tongue lashes the air
mami’s murmurs float & pop like burbujitas
en español, they swallow their “esses,” leave syllables dangling pa’ ná’
their rush to speak making words rise like mami’s incense
rising & slipping up through the kitchen fan
the rounded countertop radio out of my reach hurls spanish bolts of words
too quick for me to catch and color with crayons I hide
from little brothers who stuff anything into their mouths
at five, i see & listen to sesame street, sound out slowly the muppets’ english
with no “esses,” no broken words, letters slow enough
for me to trace on the TV’s fat bubble screen
in preschool with no books in spanish, i learn my abc’s with no “esses,” no
broken words, no spanish rs for my first or last names
my american preschool teacher holds my right fist around crayon, shapes
my first letters only in english, makes me mimic her voice
only in english, the only language that counts
for me to survive
afligir: to afflict
we never learned how to conjugate
the verbs of our afflictions
behind the walls of memories
that we learned over 40 years
how to seal with concrete & belt buckles
we abandoned the bodies of our youth
lost the few photos of public moments
three four decades pass
some wounds still bite
we still master the art
of making our minds fly
outside of our bodies
we buried the silence
of our spanish
built fortresses
with our english
our childhood home
which we have not seen
for years
will crumble
at a time
Born in Manatí, PR & raised in Springfield, Mass., María Luisa Arroyo Cruzado earned her undergraduate & graduate degrees in German, her third language. She also earned an MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) from the Solstice MFA Program. Part of María Luisa’s lifelong learning as a multilingual Boricua poet & intersectional feminist educator is to reclaim her Puerto Rican español by excavating living & buried family stories & oral histories on the island & in the diaspora. Her published collections include Gathering Words: recogiendo palabras (2008); & two chapbooks, Flight (2016), & Destierro Means More than Exile (2018).
Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash