Issue 1: Borders, Boundaries, and Belonging

Spring 2020


Welcome to the inaugural issue of Multiplicity Magazine, an online literary journal hosted by the MFA in Creative Nonfiction at Bay Path University. Our first issue was conceived many months ago as an exploration of the theme “borders, boundaries, and belonging.” The topic is relevant to so many of us today as we grapple with boundaries between nations, cultures, religions, political parties, genders, ages, abilities—and look for where, how, and to whom we belong…[Read our entire welcome statement and our response to Covid-19]



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From our contributors

No matter how unfair life may be, no matter how many obstacles you may need to overcome, if your goal stays consistent and your belief in yourself remains steady, you can retain hope.

Mel Allen

I can't stop thinking about those at the border...dear God, don't let the flaming arrow of COVID-19 hit the detention centers and the people inside the belly of this broken system.

Jennifer DeLeon

There's still talk of borders and sanctions but nobody can deny that we're all in this together.

Mia Gallagher

I am curious about the world that will emerge after this....  Now that we are all on the same page, who will we become together?

Shahnaz Habib

When the outside world is silenced, the inside world begs us to listen. May the silence we discover within be the silence we keep when we can go out again. 

Karol Jackowski

Today, I'm acutely aware of how important a genuine community is, not only to our well-being and fulfillment but also to our ultimate survival.

Leanna James Blackwell

I’m thinking of my ancestors,...the challenges they faced...their thoughts and feelings—not knowing what’s ahead, sensing that nothing will be the same, but finding strength to carry on in the face of tremendous loss.

Deborah Kaufman

Hope is more crucial than ever in these pandemic-clouded days.

Nuala O'Connor

Now is our chance to find focus and live beyond our fear to be our best and brightest selves.

Sophfronia Scott

The world we took so much for granted may never be the same. But let us vow to cherish what remains, and what we work together to rebuild.

Charles Coe

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