Social Justice Today by Aprell May

Multiplicity Commons No. 1

Social Justice Today by Aprell May Breonna Taylor. Delano Walker Jr. Dominic May. Mark Scalise. Lenny Brown. Benjamin Schoolfield. Sandra Bland. Rodney King. Melvin Jones. George Floyd. Ramona Africa. John Africa. Emmett Till. Colin Kaepernick. Darryl Moss. Philando Castile. Atatiana Koquice Jefferson. Kendrick Johnson. Ahmaud […]

Quick Work No. 6

Quick Work No. 6

Here, in micro-flash nonfiction, writers make quick work of compelling stories. Leading up to Multiplicity‘s second themed issue, we present five short takes on work and working. If you enjoy these bite-sized stories, check back for the feast of essays, profiles and poems in “Work,” […]

Her Town's Claim to a Kind of Fame by Suzanne Strempek Shea

Her Town’s Claim to a Kind of Fame

By Suzanne Strempek Shea I left home for college with the normal amount of angst about meeting new people. I needn’t have wasted time fretting—I quickly found out I had an easy icebreaker. “You’re from where?” strangers would ask. “Palmer, Massachusetts.” They’d nod blankly, as […]

The Presidential Classroom by Kara Lynn Puskey-Noble

The Presidential Classroom

By Kara Lynn Puskey-Noble When life gets stressful, I go to the barn and clean stalls. Forking up manure, pushing around a loaded wheelbarrow, sweeping—caring for my livestock settles my mind and clears my head. Between the pandemic and the election, I’ve needed to spend […]

Poll Tales by Robert Surbrug

Poll Tales

By Robert Surbrug I’ve been a passionate advocate of voting for most of my life. I’ve thrown myself into voter registration drives and taught the history of voting-rights struggles. That’s partly because I’m an historian and partly because I grew up on Schoolhouse Rock. But […]